Chiller Manufacturers in Chennai,Air Receiver Manufacturers in Chennai,Air Dryer Manufacturers in Chennai

+91 94440 25318

Chiller Manufacturers in Chennai,Air Receiver Manufacturers in Chennai,Air Dryer Manufacturers in Chennai

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Chiller Manufacturers in Chennai,Air Receiver Manufacturers in Chennai,Air Dryer Manufacturers in Chennai

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Low Pressure

Chiller Manufacturers in Chennai,Air Receiver Manufacturers in Chennai,Air Dryer Manufacturers in Chennai

  • Double Stage Operation Maximum Working Pressure 12Kg / cm2.

  • The most interesting parts of this compressor where we have attached extra fan leaf to cool not only cylinders but the whole URN by which your compressor can run longer.

  • The suction valves will last long because the valves & springs are made of imported steels.

  • The Crank shaft are made of high efficiency which runs smoother and bearings are made of high quality.

  • The fins counts are more on the cylinder which gives Extra cooling and exhaust the heat.

  • Due to the splash lubricants cylinder and crankshaft works smoothly and does not requires oil pump.

Model Motor HP No of Cylinders Piston Displacement CFM Actual CMF Maximum Working Pressure Kg/cm2 Air Receiver Lts
1234 2/3 2 7.46 / 9.79 5.968 / 7.83 12.5 160
1242 5 2 17.32 13.856 12.5 225
12475 5/7.5 2 17.32 / 19.32 13.856 / 15.456 12.5 225
2645 10 2 37.8 30.24 12.5 300
171T2 15 2 60.0 48 12.5 300 / 500
7200 15 2 60.0 48 12.5 300 / 500
115T 15 / 20 3 63.0 / 81.0 50.4 / 64.8 12.5 500
125T 20 / 25 3 81 / 99 64.8 / 79.2 12.5 500